Sports Bureau

The functions of the Sports Bureau at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, like those of similar entities in other countries, are typically centered around the development, promotion, and regulation of sports and physical activities within the country. Although specific functions can vary based on national policies and organizational structure.

1. Development of Sports Programs:

- Designing and implementing programs to promote sports at all levels, from   grassroots to elite performance.

   - Facilitating the establishment and growth of sports clubs and associations.

2. Policy Formulation and Implementation:

   - Developing national policies and strategies for the advancement of sports.

   - Ensuring the implementation of government policies related to sports development and management.

3. Promotion of Physical Fitness and Health:

   - Encouraging participation in physical activities and sports as a means of improving public health and well-being.

   - Organizing campaigns and initiatives to promote the benefits of an active lifestyle.

4.  Coordination of National and International Sports Events :

   - Planning, organizing, and managing national and international sports competitions and events.

   - Providing logistical and financial support for sports events and national teams.

5. Infrastructure Development and Maintenance:

   - Facilitating the construction, maintenance, and improvement of sports facilities and infrastructure.

   - Ensuring that sports facilities meet safety and regulatory standards.

6. Funding and Resource Allocation:

   - Securing and managing funding for sports programs and initiatives.

   - Allocating resources to various sports organizations, teams, and development projects.

7. Regulation and Oversight:

   - Establishing and enforcing rules and regulations governing sports activities and organizations.

   - Monitoring compliance with national and international sports standards and ethics.

8. International Collaboration and Representation:

   - Representing Liberia in international sports organizations and events.

   - Promoting international cooperation and exchange programs in sports.

9. Capacity Building and Education:

    - Providing training and educational opportunities for sports administrators, coaches, and officials.

    - Promoting research and knowledge dissemination in sports science and management.

10. Community Engagement and Inclusion:

    - Ensuring broad community participation in sports, including marginalized and underrepresented groups.

    - Promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities in sports for all citizens.

11.  Promotion of Youth and School Sports :

    - Encouraging the development of sports programs in schools and educational institutions.

    - Supporting inter-school sports competitions and youth sports initiatives.

These functions contribute to the overall goal of fostering a vibrant sports culture in Liberia, enhancing the nation's physical fitness, and achieving success in regional and international sports arenas.

  • National County Sports Meet (NCSM)

The National County Sports Meet (NCSM) in Liberia is a significant sporting event that serves multiple functions and activities aimed at fostering national unity, promoting talent development, and celebrating Liberian culture. Here are some of its key functions and activities:

1. Promotion of Unity and Reconciliation**: The NCSM brings together participants and spectators from all of Liberia's 15 counties. It serves as a platform for promoting unity and reconciliation among different ethnic groups and regions within the country.

2. Talent Identification and Development: The event provides an opportunity for identifying and nurturing talented athletes from across Liberia. This contributes to the development of sports at the grassroots level and helps in discovering potential future national team players.

3. Economic Boost: The NCSM often stimulates economic activity in the host county through increased tourism, hospitality services, and local businesses benefiting from the influx of visitors during the tournament.

4. Social Cohesion and Entertainment: Beyond sports, the NCSM offers a social gathering where Liberians from different walks of life come together to support their counties and enjoy recreational activities. This contributes to social cohesion and provides entertainment for participants and spectators alike.

5. Government and Community Support: The event receives support from both the government and local communities, including sponsors and volunteers who contribute to its successful organization and operation.

6. Platform for Sporting Excellence: The NCSM showcases excellence in various sports disciplines, including football (soccer), athletics, basketball, and traditional games. Winners are celebrated and serve as role models for aspiring athletes nationwide.

7. Historical Significance: The NCSM has a historical legacy in Liberia, dating back to the 1950s. Over the years, it has evolved to become a cornerstone of Liberian sports culture and remains a highly anticipated annual event.

Overall, the National County Sports Meet at the Ministry of Youth & Sports plays a crucial role in promoting sports development, cultural heritage, and national unity, making it a cornerstone event in the country's sporting calendar.

  • The Intra-Governmental Tournament (IGT)

The Intra-Governmental Tournament (IGT) at the Ministry of Youth & Sports serves as a significant event within the country's governmental and administrative framework. Here are the key functions and activities associated with the Intra-Governmental Tournament:

1. Promotion of Interagency Collaboration: The IGT aims to foster teamwork, collaboration, and camaraderie among different government ministries, agencies, and departments. It provides a platform for government employees to interact outside of their usual work contexts, strengthening professional relationships and promoting unity.

2. Employee Engagement and Morale Boost: Participation in the tournament boosts employee morale and motivation within government institutions. It offers a break from regular work routines, allowing participants to engage in physical activity, team sports, and friendly competition.

3. Health and Wellness: The IGT promotes a healthy lifestyle among government employees by encouraging physical fitness through sports participation. This aligns with broader public health initiatives aimed at reducing sedentary lifestyles and promoting well-being.

4. Networking and Professional Development**: Beyond the sporting activities, the IGT facilitates networking opportunities among government officials and employees from different departments. This networking can lead to the exchange of ideas, knowledge sharing, and potential collaborations on professional projects.

5. Promotion of Government Policies and Initiatives: The tournament serves as a platform to showcase government policies, initiatives, and programs. It may include awareness campaigns on issues such as health, education, environmental sustainability, and governance.

6. Promotion of Sports and Recreation: By organizing competitive sports events, the IGT contributes to the promotion and development of various sports disciplines such as Basketball, Football (Soccer), Volleyball and Kickball within the government sector. It encourages participation in sports and recreational activities among government employees and potentially inspires interest in sports at a broader societal level.

7. Cultural and Social Exchange: The tournament often includes cultural activities, entertainment, and social events that promote cultural diversity and appreciation. This contributes to a harmonious work environment and enhances the cultural fabric within government institutions.

8. Recognition and Awards: Outstanding performers and teams in the IGT are often recognized and awarded, reinforcing positive behavior, teamwork, and dedication among participants. This recognition can boost individual and team morale and serve as an incentive for continued participation in future tournaments.

In summary, the Intra-Governmental Tournament at the Ministry of Youth & Sports plays a vital role in promoting teamwork, health, employee engagement, and government cohesion through sports and recreational activities. It serves as a platform for fostering a positive work environment and enhancing relationships within the governmental sector.

  • Grassroots sports

Grassroots sports at the Ministry of Youth & Sports serve several important functions and activities that contribute to individual development, community engagement, and national cohesion.

1. Youth Development: Grassroots sports provide opportunities for children and youth to participate in organized sports activities. This not only promotes physical fitness but also teaches important life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and resilience.

2. Community Engagement: Sports at the grassroots level bring communities together. Local tournaments, leagues, and events foster a sense of unity and pride among residents. They provide a platform for social interaction and celebration of local talent.

3. Health and Well-being: Participating in grassroots sports promotes a healthy lifestyle. It encourages physical activity and helps combat issues such as obesity and related health problems, particularly among young people.

4. Education and Skill Development: Beyond physical health, grassroots sports emphasize the importance of education and skill development. Many programs incorporate educational components, teaching participants about nutrition, hygiene, and life skills alongside sports training.

5. Promotion of Gender Equality: Grassroots sports can play a crucial role in promoting gender equality by providing equal opportunities for boys and girls to participate in sports activities. This helps challenge stereotypes and empower girls and women within their communities.

6. Volunteerism and Community Development: Grassroots sports rely heavily on volunteer coaches, organizers, and supporters. These individuals play a crucial role in community development, fostering a spirit of volunteerism and civic engagement.

7. Pathway to Professional Sports: For talented individuals, grassroots sports provide a pathway to higher levels of competition and potentially professional sports careers. Developing a strong grassroots sports infrastructure is essential for sustaining long-term success in national and international sports arenas.

Overall, grassroots sports at Ministry serve as a foundation for personal growth, community development, and national unity. They embody the spirit of sportsmanship and provide opportunities for individuals to thrive both on and off the field.

  • Up-Country Basketball Tournament

The Up-Country Basketball Tournament in Liberia is an annual event that brings together basketball teams from various regions outside the capital, Monrovia. This tournament is crucial for the development of basketball and sports in general in the up-country regions of Liberia. The functions and activities associated with this tournament typically include the following:


1. Talent Identification and Development:

   - Scouting: Identifying promising basketball talent from up-country regions.

   - Training: Providing opportunities for players to enhance their skills through exposure to higher levels of competition.

2. Promotion of Basketball:

   - Awareness: Increasing awareness and interest in basketball in rural and up-country areas.

   - Engagement: Engaging communities in sports activities and promoting healthy lifestyles.

3. Development of Sports Infrastructure:

   - Facilities: Encouraging the improvement and development of basketball courts and facilities in up-country areas.

   - Resources: Attracting resources and investments for sports infrastructure development.


1. Tournament Organization:

   - Scheduling: Planning and organizing the schedule of games and events.

   - Logistics: Handling logistics including transportation, accommodation, and meals for teams and officials.

2. Competitive Matches:

   - Games: Conducting basketball matches between participating teams.

   - Rules and Regulations: Ensuring that games are played according to established rules and regulations.

3. Community Engagement Events:

   - Outreach: Organizing community outreach events to engage local residents.

   - Youth Programs: Implementing programs aimed at involving youth in basketball and other sports activities.

4. Awards and Recognition:

   - Ceremonies: Hosting award ceremonies to recognize outstanding players, teams, and coaches.

   - Prizes: Distributing trophies, medals, and other prizes to winning teams and standout performers.

5. Media and Publicity:

   - Coverage: Ensuring media coverage of the tournament to promote it widely.

   - **Promotion**: Using social media, local radio, and other platforms to publicize the event and highlight key moments.

The Up-Country Basketball Tournament serves as an important platform for nurturing basketball talent, promoting sportsmanship, and fostering community spirit in Liberia’s up-country regions. Through these functions and activities, the tournament contributes significantly to the development of sports and the well-being of communities in these areas.

Director:  Thomas Kojo

Tele: 0777991719

Dpt. Director: 
